What Advisory Firm Is Right For Me?
Are you are confused as to which advisory platform is right for you and what makes each of them different? Well, you are not alone. I will break it down for you on a best efforts basis in a simplified quadrant. Many of these firms offer different platforms; this is a generalization in an attempt to create order.
The platforms that generally provide a financial advisor will be found on the right, while the providers that are generally self directed are on the left.
1. Upper right quadrant - Traditional financial services firms and investment banks. These firms provide an advisor/planner. Cost of services is generally higher (but not always) in this section of the quadrant. This is where I spent the first ten years of my career.
2. Lower right quadrant - Full service advisory or robo-assisted advisory. These firms provide an advisor/planner or a "robo-advisor". Cost of advice is generally lower as one is to move towards the robo-assisted, but you also lose the traditional advisor-client relationship model, AKA a "human being".
3. Lower left quadrant - Here you find the discount online and self directed firms. Trades are typically placed online or over the phone, planning services are usually limited to online calculators and self run wealth projection tools. Costs are generally lower, but you are not provided an advisor.
4. Upper left quadrant - These platforms are usually for professional or large order/high volume traders. Most often they are sophisticated investors.

I provide these charts to help you sort through some of the clutter to better understand how to have your needs met. My firm, Newpointe Wealth, is in what I call the sweet spot. We provide you with a dedicated personal advisor while combining the traditional financial services model with the efficiency of technology. We provide high level attention and experience while remaining competitive with pricing. In utilizing technology and streamlining our expenses, we can reduce costs, in turn passing these savings down to the client. We do this without sacrificing service and advice. There is more to wealth than just finances and there is more to finances than just investments. You create your “Newpointe”, we help you work towards it.
Email me derek@newpointewealth.com
Dislcosure: The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal.